laurels Care, hayes
  • +44 (0) 203 950 2897
  • Hayes London UB3 4DX

General Information

This website does not contain advice regarding law or legal practice. It does however contain general information, some of which concerns law and legal practice.


Any legal information found on this website is given without any warranty.

1. We do not warrant that any legal information found in this website will be constantly available, or available at all; or
2. We do not warrant that the legal information found on this website is entire, absolute, true, up-to-date or non-misleading.

We are recruiting for Home Care Assistants, Live in Carers, and Night Care Assistants. Click the link below and download our Application Form:


Always seek legal advice from an accredited source, and do not rely on this website as a source of legal information. This website is not an accredited source of legal advice.


This disclaimer does not:

1. Prevent our responsibility for death or personal harm due to negligence
2. Prevent our responsibility for theft or fraudulent fabrication
3. Confine our responsibilities that is not accepted under befitting law
4.Prevent any of our responsibilities that may not be excluded under applicable law.


Staff Giant services Limited T/A Laurels Care shall not be responsible for the communication of any fraudulent information relating to unauthorised activity, nor shall we be liable for any loss or damage incurred by any member of the public as a result of dealing with any entity or person which illegally solicits payments for fake services or other services which are not related to Laurels Care.

Members of the public are hereby advised not to send/receive money to/from such scammers, as Staff Giant Services Ltd T/A Laurels Care will have NO LIABILITY whatsoever for any and all losses/damages suffered by anyone who falls victim to such scams from fraudsters.
We Charge our candidates or customer for our service accepting or receiving payment only through company account with appropriate invoice and reliable payment platforms like world pay & PayPal. We do not take cash or payments in any personal accounts. Staff Giant Services Limited T/A Laurels Care hereby disclaims all such transaction, correspondence and messages and warns its customers and the general public to stay cautious.
Candidates and Customers are strongly advised to seek information/clarifications by contacting our business office directly and/or online through or call us directly to our customer service at +44 (0) 203 950 2897

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